Saturday, March 10, 2018

First Honey

Our first honey harvest!

As I said in the previous post, we hadn't intended to take any honey from the hives, but changed our plans once we got in there.  It's not a lot, only a couple of pints (plus another little dab that went into my oatmeal this morning), but it's ours!  The picture really doesn't do it justice, but trust me, it's beautiful.

The wax from this is set out for the bees, so they can get at the residual honey that couldn't drain off.  Once they've cleaned it up, we'll render it and save it to make things later.

I know, in the great scheme of the universe this is a pretty small thing.  But we have this wonderful product coming out of boxes which were completely empty less than a year ago.  There's something a little miraculous about this.

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