Tuesday, December 2, 2014

SIUC Holiday Craft Sale

We're nearing the end of our craft fair season, and what better way to end than with the SIUC Holiday Craft Sale.  This annual event brings together some of the best artists in Southern Illinois for a three day event in the SIU Student Center.  We've done this for a while, now, and it almost ranks as one of our best shows of the year.  Even last year, when the show was pretty much wrecked by an ice storm, we still sold quite a bit and met some great people.  

On the Friday of the show, when we were one of only five artists still open, a young woman came in and was thrilled to find that we were there, as she had walked three miles over the icy roads just to get her Christmas shopping done at our booth.  You have to love customers such as that, and you have to be happy that you were there to help them.

This is your best opportunity to finish your Christmas shopping.  Where else are you going to find this many unique, hand-made gifts for your friends and loved ones?  So come on by and say hello.  We'll be looking for you.