Saturday, April 28, 2018

Bee Cut-Out

We are having an adventure today.  We're off to do a cut-out, removing unwanted bees which have taken up residence in someone's house.  This particular colony is under a set of concrete steps, so we have to knock out the side of the steps before we can extract the colony.  We will remove each piece of comb from the cavity.  Brood comb, that is, comb with eggs and/or larva, will be placed in frames and secured with rubber bands.  Honey comb will be collected in a bucket to be extracted for our own use.  Any other comb will be collected to melt down.  Bees will be brushed off into a new hive filled with the frames of brood comb, or gently collected with a specially made bee vacuum. When we're done, the home owner will be rid of a nuisance and we will have a new hive in our apiary.  We'll try to get pictures, but the first priority is getting the bees.

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