Thursday, June 27, 2013


If fall is the time for most of the big art shows and craft fairs, summer is the time for filling out applications for these shows.  We're deep into the paperwork part of the process.  After all these years, some parts have gotten easier; several shows don't require pictures from returning artists, for example.  And because most of them honor our request to get the same spot as in previous years, we can plan our display accordingly, and you can find us more easily, rather than wandering around hoping you see us.

Still, filling out applications and stocking up on product is no substitute for getting out there and meeting our customers in person.  One of the best parts of the business is all the fine folks we get to know.  It's always a pleasure to to see people returning for more soap or lotion, or to see what new wine racks we have.  So keep an eye on this blog, we'll update you as soon as our participation in each of the shows is confirmed.   We look forward to seeing you again.

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