Capistrano can keep their swallows, we have vultures! Hundreds of the birds roost in the hills around Makanda, and the
Makanda Vulture Fest pays tribute to these amazing avians. I keep running onto people who don't know about this unique show, and it makes me wonder why the word hasn't gotten out. How do you describe Vulture Fest to someone who's never been there? The word I keep falling back on is "funky." First, there's Makanda itself, a bastion of hippydom. Then there are the bands, one line-up in the pavilion, another in the Rainmaker's Garden. There are the artists, as eclectic a bunch as you will find at any show in Southern Illinois. All-in-all, an event unlike any other. If you've not been, you owe it to yourself to make the trip. If you have been, you know what I'm talking about.
Saturday October 20
Sunday October 21
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