We're going to a big on this weekend, the
Wine and Art Festival at Rend Lake. We've been doing this show for some fifteen years, and we look forward to it every year. Lots of great artists, bands, good food, and us!
We're really ramping up our products, and we've got lots of new things this year. You should check out our line of cutting boards, beautiful pieces made from local black walnut, cherry, hickory, box elder, and coffeewood. You won't find these in the big-box stores.
We've also got some exciting new pieces to show off wine bottles for your wine loving friends. Lots to see and do this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 12 and 13 at the Illinois Artisan's Center off of Exit 77 in Whittington, Illinois. It will be a great time, so come on out and see us.